
  • Secured 1-year, $30,000 grant from the New York State Department of State.
  • Provided fund development services to secure $1.68 million in funding from the NYS Higher Education Services – GEAR-UP.
  • Engaged high school students in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged middle school students in a summer program exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure $3,897,015 in funding from the NYS Department of Education – 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  • Engaged elementary school students in a exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged elementary school students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Secured 2-years, $450,000 grant from the United States Department of Health & Human Services – Sexual Risk Avoidance Program.
  • Secured 3-years; $816,000 grant from the NYS Office of Children & Family Services – Empire Afterschool Programs.
  • Provided fund development services to secure $135,000 in funding from the Westchester County Youth Bureau’s Invest In Kids Program.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure $120,000 in funding from the NYC Department of Education – Arts Partnership.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers in architecture using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture in architecture using the Legacy Model.
  • Engaged high school students in a summer program exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged middle school students in a summer program exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure $20,000 in funding from the NYC Department of Youth & Community Development.
  • Facilitated strategic planning sessions, focusing marketing.
  • Organized two-day restorative practice conference, featuring a variety of workshops on restorative practices for more than 100-staff.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Wrote and submitted multiple successful proposals; secured nearly $3 million contracts through statewide competitions.
  • Managed school-based 21st Century Community Learning Centers afterschool programs, serving 300 6th – 12th grade students.
  • Wrote and submitted multiple successful proposals; secured $1.152 million contracts through statewide competitions.
  • Managed school-based Empire afterschool program, serving 180 9th – 12th grade students.
  • Wrote and submitted multiple successful proposals; secured $2.8 million contracts through statewide competitions.
  • Managed two, school-based Advantage afterschool programs (The Bronx and Ellenville), serving 280 6th – 12th grade students.
  • Provided a series of three-day professional development institutes to increase their staffs’ knowledge and skills in the following areas: management, leadership, community organizing and business development.
  • Wrote and submitted successful proposal; secured contract through targeted, citywide competition.
  • Supported ten agencies who were a part of the city’s Fatherhood Initiative in the design and implementation of family literacy programs in their communities using CCI’s Framework of inquiry, research and engagement.
  • Engaged elementary and middle school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Engaged high school youth in analyzing and addressing the issue of youth voice and power using the Community Change Model.
  • As final projects, participating students created animated videos based on the work they completed through the program. The videos summarized each of the phases of the program and provided an overview of the learnings that the students experienced. Each video was created in Powtoon, a cloud-based animation software, by small groups of participants. Additionally, the middle school group created a website that houses the videos:
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Engaged middle school girls in analyzing and addressing social issues such as pollution and violence, using the Community Change Model; also organized three special events showcasing the work of the students, featuring the popular middle school performer DJ Sassy.
  • Please click here for an example of the students’ video presentation.
  • Wrote and submitted successful proposal; secured contract through targeted, citywide competition.
  • Trained nearly 30 nonprofit arts organizations on integrating the Community Change Model within their arts operations.
  • Provided fund development services to secure $150,000 in funding from the United States Department of Justice –Juvenile Justice Emergency-Preparedness Disaster Prevention.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model.
  • Facilitated strategic planning with a focus on designing programs to support high school youth in foster care.
  • Created the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) Civil Service Test Prep Program Guide, that provides engaging, hands-on activities to help educators give youth practice in the skill areas used in the New York City civil service employment exams.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure $10,138,000 in funding from the United States Department of Health and Human Services – Healthy Marriage Relationship Education Program and the Westchester County Youth Bureau – Youth Programs.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Secured funding for The Legacy Mural from ArtsWestchester. This mural at the Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers, NY features portraits of Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Barack Obama, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, and Martin Luther King.
  • Engaged middle youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model.
  • Facilitated strategic planning sessions, with a focus on achieving district-wide buy-in from teachers and administrators for cultural education, program planning, and parent and community engagement.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure $250,000 in funding NYC Department of Education – Arts Partnership Program.
  • Engaged middle and high school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure a total of $2.62 million in funding from the New York State Department of State – Community Service Block Grant; New York State Office of Children & Family Services-Advantage Afterschool Programs; NYC Department of Youth & Community Development – Transitioning to High School Program;
  • Managed school-based Advantage and Transitions to High School afterschool programs.
  • Delivered CareerVisions and Community Change courses for undergraduate students.
  • Secured 3-years; $816,000 grant from the NYS Office of Children & Family Services – Empire Afterschool Programs.
  • Engaged middle school students in a summer program exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Engaged middle school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Delivered CareerVisions and Legacy Institutes, series of workshops to train their line staff on the design and implementation of the CareerVisions and Legacy Models, respectively.
  • Provided mentoring to select staff on the design and implementation of the CareerVisions Model.
  • Provided partnership and fund development services to secure 21st Century Community Learning Center funding from the New York City Department of Education – District 10.
  • Managed school-based Advantage and Transitions to High School afterschool programs.
  • Engaged elementary and middle school youth in exploring careers using the CareerVisions Model; also engaged students in exploring their culture using the Legacy Model.
  • Delivered bilingual workshops for parents on a variety of topics related to supporting their child’s education.
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