Job Vacancy




Teachers are facilitators of our youth programs who are assigned to deliver in-school, afterschool, weekend or summer workshops for youth at the same school in which they work during the day.

Trainers are facilitators of our parent/family engagement or our professional development services who provide workshops to parents and/or staff of our clients.

Teaching artists are facilitators of our youth programs who have professional expertise and/or experience in a particular art, academic or athletic area and who are assigned to deliver in-school, afterschool, weekend or summer workshops for youth. The teaching artists integrate our youth programs with their area of expertise.


1. To design and implement learning plans based on the Community Change, CareerVisions, Legacy, Money Moves, and Peace.
2. To ensure that the Models are implemented with integrity.

Towards meeting these objectives, the teacher/artist/trainer will:

Develop a mastery of the Models and select evidence-based curricula.
Ensure the integrity of the Models and select evidence-based curricula and adherence to the timeline provided.
Research exercises and references to develop learning plans that support the State Standards.
Develop and implement learning plans. Learning plans should be aligned with the day school curriculum, intentionally integrated with the State Standards, and be based on the facilitator’s choice of the Community Change, CareerVisions, Legacy, Money Moves, and Peace.
Regularly submit draft learning plans, phase summaries and attendance along with time sheets.
Attend scheduled meetings with company, and/or its client(s).
Submit time sheets for payments, supported by research, learning plans, attendance and phase summaries.


Our programs are safe spaces for young people both physically and emotionally. If hired, the use of profanity, nudity and/or any other inappropriate contact, conversations, graphics, language and/or materials are all prohibited. Doing so will definitely result in your immediate termination and may result in both civil and criminal charges against you.

Being intoxicated and/or under the influence of any substance whatsoever during authorized scheduled hours is prohibited. Doing so will definitely result in your immediate termination.

Under no circumstance is a team member to promote their independent work or negotiate an independent relationship, professional or otherwise, with a client or participant without the prior knowledge or consent of this company’s Executive Director. Doing so will result in the permanent end of our working relationship.

Time Commitment:

Teachers/teaching artists and trainers can take on one or more project depending upon availability. There are multiple projects throughout New York State (

Each project runs up to 14-weeks. The teacher/teaching artist/trainer is compensated for roughly 95 hours (roughly 7 hours weekly) per assigned project/semester, with exceptions based on each specific project. This includes:

  • Authorized, scheduled sessions with target population. Hours of sessions based on the assignment/program schedule (generally, at least two hours per session, four hours weekly for 14 weeks/56 hours total, per assigned project, with exceptions based on each assignment);
  • Seven scheduled, 2-hour team meetings (or 14, 1-hour meetings, 14 hours total) per semester per assigned coordinator/director.
  • Research to prepare learning plans, and providing references for each and every lesson, two hours per phase for phases two through five (8 hours total) per assigned project;
  • Writing detailed learning plans in alignment with our format and models for your curriculum…six phases per semester. Learning plans must be written at least two weeks in advance of implementation.
  • Writing phase summaries at the end of each phase, summarizing all questions, findings, references and exercises done each phase.
  • Submit compilation of detailed learning plans and phase summaries at the end of the project/semester AND participate in at least three virtual training academy sessions to be eligible for $800 bonus. All research and writing for the learning plans and phase summaries of completed projects (Phases 1 – 6) will be covered in the form of the bonus. Bonuses will only be issued for original, unduplicated and completed lessons for replication that 1. follow our format, 2. are detailed (i.e. “reading” and “discussing”, or derivatives of those words, are not used to explain exercises); and 3. are submitted during the pay period of the close of the project or semester. Bonuses will not be issued in whole nor in part for incomplete or error-filled learning plans.
  • Please see the following example of a learning plan that is eligible for the bonus:
  • The time frame of a model does not exceed 14 weeks or one semester.
  • Always bill for same day cancellations and make notations on attendance sheets during payroll submission in these situations;


Please be advised that we are an entity independent of any and every school district and teacher union. As such, we are not bound by their pay rates for teachers, as we have our own (see below).

The regular hourly rate for the teacher is $55/hour, depending on their employer. The rate for participating in the Summer Training Institute and other internal trainings/meetings is half of the regular hourly rate with the exception of the Training Academies, in which case, teachers are compensated at the regular, $55/hour rate.

The compensation rate for the teaching artist is $55/hour.

The rate for the trainer varies between $60/hour and the flat rates of up to $300 for delivering workshops for parents; and between $500 (for half-day sessions of less than 3.5 hours) and $800 (for full-day sessions of more than 3.5 hours) for delivering external workshops to our clients, depending on the assignment. Trainers do not bill for independent research and/or independent writing of workshop outlines, as it is built into their compensations.


Must be accomplished in an academic or art discipline and capable of delivering engaging, dynamic learning plans to students. Must be in good standing with the assigned school district and pass local/state/federal security clearances.

Please send resumes to

Feedback & Suggestions

As part of our continuous quality improvement process, we welcome your testimonials, feedback and suggestions for improvement. Please share your thoughts or ideas here. You can include your name and/or contact information in the feedback/suggestion box only if you like. Thank you!