Job Vacancy


Teacher’s Assistant


Teacher assistants are former students/alumni of the program who support our youth programs by completing miscellaneous tasks related to program activities, administration and marketing.


1. To support the design and implement learning plans based on the Community Change, CareerVisions, Legacy, Money Moves, and Peace.
2. To help ensure that the Models are implemented with integrity.
3. To prepare for the Teacher role at another site (there is no timeframe to be assigned to another site)
To support program operations.

Towards meeting these objectives, the teacher assistant will:

Develop a mastery of the Models and select evidence-based curricula.
Ensure the integrity of the Models and select evidence-based curricula and adherence to the timeline provided.
Research exercises and references to develop learning plans that support the State Standards.
Help develop and implement learning plans.
Take take and submit program pictures.
Attend scheduled meetings with company, and/or its client(s).
Submit time sheets for payments, supported by research, learning plans, attendance and phase summaries.
Take and submit pictures of the program in action.
Help collect attendance.
May be assigned additional tasks reasonably related to the objective of the position.


Our programs are safe spaces for young people both physically and emotionally. If hired, the use of profanity, nudity and/or any other inappropriate contact, conversations, graphics, language and/or materials are all prohibited. Doing so will definitely result in your immediate termination and may result in both civil and criminal charges against you.

Being intoxicated and/or under the influence of any substance whatsoever during authorized scheduled hours is prohibited. Doing so will definitely result in your immediate termination.

Under no circumstance is a team member to promote their independent work or negotiate an independent relationship, professional or otherwise, with a client or participant without the prior knowledge or consent of this company’s Executive Director. Doing so will result in the permanent end of our working relationship.

Time Commitment:

Up to six hours weekly.


The regular hourly rate for the teacher is $25/hour, depending on their employer.


A former participant of the program or school selected by a school administrator/site coordinator.

Feedback & Suggestions

As part of our continuous quality improvement process, we welcome your testimonials, feedback and suggestions for improvement. Please share your thoughts or ideas here. You can include your name and/or contact information in the feedback/suggestion box only if you like. Thank you!